We don’t normally write recommendations, but Zade Enterprises is an exception. Dentaltown highly recommends anyone within the medical and health services field to Zade Enterprises. Zade was instrumental with the design, equipment set-up and maintenance of our IT network. The team at Zade has ensured that our computer records are kept and maintained within current national guidelines as per the Australian Dental Association’s Privacy Policy. Key areas of our IT network include backing up, landline connection, internet, EFTPOS, cloud back-up, hard drive back-up and remote access. Zade has been able to provide continual support, and aims to over deliver. The advice provided to us has been special, experienced and genuine. We will be recommending other businesses.

For more information, contact the owner of Dentaltown personally at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Dentaltown Team & Dr. Daniel Craig.



Zade Enterprises (Markus) builds and maintains web site for us with the major one being www.psifilters.com.au . Over the years we have paid many businesses to manage SEO campaigns costing tens of thousands of dollars and failed dismally but the results Zade has achieved is pleasing to say the least in a relatively short time. Over the years we have had many different people assist with networking configuration and computer operations but there seems to be different levels of ability, we have had only 3 people over the years that had what we would call a high level of understanding and ability with Zade being one of those. The high level of understanding and ability shows when a person with that ability walks in, told the problem and has it sorted in next to no time. We have had many people that muddle about trying this and that and after several hours through trial and error eventually stumble on a solution, with knowledgeable people such as Zade the solution is obtained quickly.

Peter Howard


PSI Water Filter Services and Boss Water Systems Australia.

psifilters logo


It has been my good fortune to meet Markus Graham of Zade Enterprises both, as an IT expert and as an honourable person to work with on a wide range of IT projects and issues.

Markus has a wealth of IT knowledge and experience which saves hours when looking to resolve an issue. He has the ability to create solutions which work for the person considering their own capacity for dealing with IT issues.

I am impressed with his commitment and patience with his customers, including me and my sometimes erratic IT questions.

If I hear that someone has engaged Zade, my immediate feeling is that they have made the right choice and have connected with a person that cares and is very good value for money.

When my business grows I would like to employ Zade Enterprises on a retainer for advice as Markus can save you money simply by his broad knowledge of what will work and be effective, for you and your business.

Neil Johnston
Small Business Safety Systems Pty Ltd
Sydney and Hobart

